ERROR CODE: You have exceeded the carrier limit for calls to the same number within a 24-hour period. Please wait or contact support if you feel you have received this message in error.
Over the last few months, carriers have added additional regulations on calls to help protect consumers. While we appreciate this effort by the carriers, it also means we need to update our service to be in compliance with new regulations. Thus, when you place multiple calls to the same number in a short period of time, it may reach a limit that will prevent or block you from contacting that number again for a period of time. An error may pop up that mentions you have exceeded the limit of calls. If that happens, we recommend waiting 24 hours to contact that number again.
For texting, this carrier rate limit will disappear when one of two things happens (whichever comes first):
1. The recipient responds.
2. A total of 24 hours have passed.
I didn’t even make a call and it say I reached call limit for that number
This is the only number i call with the app so it will be repetitive. Is there a way to tell the app it's ok to call this number all the time?
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